Thursday, July 29, 2010

2 WeeKs,
14 Days,

336 HouRs,

20,601 MiNuTes,

1,209,600 SeCoNdS....

No MaTTeR How YoU TeLL TiMe, It aLL MeaNs tHe SaMe ExaCt ThiNg,


Friday, July 23, 2010

Our Life in a Nut Shell...

Life has been super crazy recently!
But we have had a blast with our great group of friends! This semester has been awesome with tons of memories made! Here's a little recap of our crazy life...Lets just say school, finals, planning a wedding from far away, buying stuff for a house, and packing everything up is not easy!!

So heres the past few weeks in a nut shell....

Celebrated Jenn's Birthday with the group! It was such a fun day!

Justin busted his toe at the Sand dunes on a rock, because he lost his flip flops trying to get his truck unstuck in the sand...I cleaned him up pretty good... the same day I chipped my tooth going down a water slide with him...what a day...

Went swimming at the sand bar!
Made tin foil dinners for girls night!We built a fire on our own... just us girls. no help. i know i know were legit


For July 4th weekend, me and 3 of my best girl friends flew down to Estes Park, CO to Jenn's parents cabin! Lets just say it was the ultimate getaway!

We had some great slumber parties at night here....

Saw some amazing views!

Hiked in Rocky Mountain national park! AMAZING!

And ate ice cream at a place named after me!

Needless to say, life has been pretty exciting for us! Good by Idaho...Hello TEXAS...going to get married! crazy!!

20 days...

Monday, July 12, 2010

"There is not a more pure and holy principal in ExiStEnCe than the affection which gLoWs in the bosom of a virtuous man for his companion."
-Parley P. Pratt
I have seen this glow for myself. It's beautiful and humbling....
I am so blessed for the man that I will get to call my husband in less than a month.
Hayley Christine
ps: I have lots to update with lots of pictures...their has been crazy