Justin and I both are off track for winter, and want to work full time. now finding a full time job in rexburg is nearly IMPOSSIBLE. Justin and i have applied EVERYWHERE, literally I'm being serious. Well, I have been blessed with a part time job and love it. Its a fun and easy job. Its only part time-but for rexburg, you take what you can get.
I'm working for the middle school for their morning and after school program. I get to play dodge ball, go bowling, rock climbing, and make crafts. Really? does that even qualify as work? Its so fun! I am loving getting to know these kids. It makes me excited to student teach in the fall!Justin is still looking for anything that he can find, keep him in your prayers. Finding a job in rexburg is sooooo hard.
I also have started to apply for my student teaching in the fall. I was filling out paperwork, and I only have 6 credits=2 classes left that i have to take for school before student teaching! ahhh! crazy! I'm so excited! 6 credits! that's nothing at all!!
Justin and I are glad to be back in rexburg. Maybe not rexburg, but to be back in our apartment that we love and missed. The snow is something that we are learning to adjust too....but it's not our favorite. We have some really exciting things coming up for us, and are so blessed.
Mrs. Marshall
5 hours ago
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